Industry News

February 12, 2024

Heat Treating Industry News Events

IMAT 2024 Call for Abstracts | Materials for Energy Storage

ASM is the only society that unites different market segments that cross the entire materials world. IMAT, the ASM International annual meeting focused on the membership and materials community needs, will offer an industry-oriented conference and exposition targeting a broad range of materials, processes, and their applications, with an emphasis on advanced materials and advanced manufacturing technologies. Traditional materials’ topics of strong interest will be explored, including metals, ceramics, composites, coatings, alloy development, microstructure/process/properties relationships, phase equilibria, mechanical behavior, joining, corrosion, and failure analysis. A spectrum of emerging topics of common interest, instrumental in advancing materials development and cutting-edge technologies will be covered, such as: advance manufacturing technologies including additive, industry 4.0 and digitization of the materials industry, biomedical/multifunctional materials, power and transportation industries, materials for the energy, renewable and sustainable materials & processes, and materials to enable automation and robotics.

Multiple student events and competitions will be offered to provide an arena for the presentation of students’ research and develop connections to the next generation of materials scientists.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, February 16, 2024. Original, unpublished, and novel material is being solicited in the following topic areas:

Additive Manufacturing

Organizer: Tim Horn, North Carolina State University

Advanced Materials Manufacturing

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Organizers: Dr. Cherish Lesko, Airforce Research Laboratory & Dr. Satish Dixit, Plasma Technology Inc.

Artificial Intelligence and Materials Informatics

Organizer: Josh Stuckner, NASA

Archaeometallurgy and Ancient Metalworking

Organizer: Patricia Carrizo, UTN FRM & Omid Oudbashi, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Characterization of Materials and Microstructure through Metallography, Image Analysis, and Mechanical Testing – Fundamental and Applied Studies

Organizer: Andrew Kitahara, Analytical Mechanics Associated, Inc.

Corrosion and Environmental Degradation

Organizers: Rajeev Gupta, North Carolina State University & Ajit Mishra, Corteva Agriscience

Emerging Technologies


Organizer: Hanchen Huang, Provost of UMass Dartmouth

Failure Analysis

Organizer: Jake Auliff, Danfoss Power Solutions

Functional Materials and Structures – Solving barriers to adoption

Organizer: Othmane Benafan, NASA

Joining of Advance and Specialty Materials (JASM XXII)

Organizers: Anming Hu, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Light Metal Technology

Organizers: Dr. Abdallah Elsayed, University of Guelph, Dr. Norbert Hort, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Dr. Alan Luo, The Ohio State University & Dr. Kumar Sadayappan, CanmetMATERIALS

Materials 4.0: Materials Information in the Product Life Cycle

Organizer: Darren Pagan, The Pennsylvania State University, Paul Mason, Thermo-Calc Software Inc, Vasisht Venkatesh, Pratt & Whitney & Andrzej Wojcieszynski, Ampal, Inc., US Metal Powders

Materials Behavior & Characterization

Organizer: Ramana Reddy, The University of Alabama

Materials for Energy & Utilities

Organizers: Jim Ruud, GE Global Research & Luc Leblanc, Cummins Inc.

Materials & Processes for Automation

Organizer: Dr. James D. Cotton, The Boeing Company (Retired)

Medical / Biomaterials: Driving for delivered patient value

Organizer: Jeremy Schaffer, Ft. Wayne Metals

Metals, Ceramics and Composite Materials (raw materials, processing, manufacturing methods, applications, environmental effects) 

Organizer: Paul Wilson, The Boeing Company

Processing and Applications

Organizer: Tim Langan, Sunrise Energy Metals

PSDK XV: Phase Stability and Diffusion Kinetics

Organizers: Chelsey Hargather, New Mexico Tech, Richard Otis, NASA JPL, Dongwon Shin, Oak Ridge Nathional Laboratory & Zhi Liang, NIST

Sustainable Materials & Processes

Organizers: Dr. James Cotton, The Boeing Company & John Wolodko, University of Alberta

Thermal Spray and Surface Engineering

Organizer: John Koppes, Ph.D., TST Engineered Coating Solutions, a Division of Fisher Barton

For more information: https://asm.confex.com/asm/imat2024/cfp.cgi

